Tuesday 28 April 2009

What a week!!!!

So this week is quite a week for me. The first 2 days haven't been unusual. I've been at work! Tomorrow is another boring day and then the excitement kick in.
On Thursday I'm getting the keys to my new appartment, MY OWN APPARTMENT!

Friday I'm moving all my stuff into MY OWN APPARTMENT, ok no I'm not moving it myself, I'm to lazy so I hired someone to do it. And I get my little bunny home. She's been hanging out at my mom's house while I got all the moving sorted out. I miss her.

Saturday me and my mom are going to sort out MY OWN APPARTMENT and already on sunday I'm leaving MY OWN APPARTMENT to go on a 3 days trip to Paris.

That's a lot of action in only 4 days!

Saturday 25 April 2009

What do you want to do with your life?

I don't like that question, I really don't like it, especially when someone ask me about it... Simply because I DON'T KNOW! I'm 26 years old and I don't know what I want to do, job wise that is. I have plenty of dreams, and thing I want to do and try, but I don't have a big wish to become something speciel.

Right know I work 2 different places, both with connection to theatre. I like the fact that I don't have to be in the same place all week and do the same things. I don't want to do this for the rest of my life, but it works for now.

I spoke to a friend last night who is off to Canada for 3 month to work in a horse farm. Did my body scream jalousy??!!!

I want to do more theatre, I want to go to a language school in France, I want to work with animals, I want to travel and I want to have fun. That's what I want to do with my life.

Thursday 23 April 2009

Don't try this at home

I did something today for the first time in my life. Something that won't happen again, well not in the near future, cause normal people don't get to do this a lot. And now I know why, it's hell... It's a living hell (ok, I know that a lot of things are worse then this, but work with me here) It's not fun, it cost time and money and a lot of sleepless nights...
I bought my own appartment!
Yeah, it's true, I now finally got my own appartment!!!
I'm now officially an adult. An aboult who owes the bank a lot of money.
It's been a tough month. I didn't know if I would get it untill last week. I didn't have anywere to live and put my stuff if I didn't get it, so I have been a bit stressed out, but now it's over. I have signed the papers and can move in on the 1st of May...
And only 10 days left until Paris!

Wednesday 22 April 2009

11 days to go...

I'm going on vacation, just a small one (3 days) but it involves a bus trip, a flight and a train trip (and I'm crossing boarders as well) Yea that's right, I'm going to Paris, my favourite place in the world, well next to Florida and Thailand.

So yeah Paris... The most beautiful city in Europe....
OK who am I kidding here... I'M GOING TO DISNEYLAND!!!! I'm going to spend 2 whole days in a roller coaster, the first day we are actually going to be in Paris (I need to get to the Disney Store at Champ Elysee)

Yeah, you guessed it.... Hallo my name is Stephanie and I'm a disneyholic!

I like Disney a lot but I love Disney themeparks even more, especielly the shops. I don't know that many people with this manic feeling about Disney, but my mom is close, so she is my partner in crime. Well of couse there is all the nice people on the DIS board, yes we have a board on the net full of Disneyholics, you didn't know that, did you? We have our own little community where we help each other getting through the tough days while we wait for our next trip.

I only have to wait for 11 days!!!!

Tuesday 21 April 2009

So this is me... and this is my blog!

So... I've thought about this for some time now.

I want to make a blog, simply because I have lots of things I want to share with others. Not my close thoughts or political statements, no, it's not going to be one of those blogs!

So exactly what this blog is going to be about, I don't know yet, but it will be about ME! Well yeah that's what blogs are for, talking about ourself and our lives.

Ok enough small talking, let's get started!

I'm still a bit confused about this whole blog thing and how to work it out, but I'll find out along the way... I hope!